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General Conditions
Registration Conditions - Group Classes
1. Fill the registration form;
2. Do an evaluation session in an existing group class, worth €25;
3. Payment of the Registration Fee, worth €10, and the 1st monthly fee.
Mandatory Operating Rules
1. Payment of monthly fees must be made by the 8th of each month;
2. Swimmers will not be allowed access to classes when the delay in payment of the monthly fee exceeds 15 days;
3. If the swimmer starts the activity after the 15th of each month, pays 50% of the monthly fee;
4. Any payment made will not be refunded;
5. Necessary equipment: SwimTogether swim cap, wetsuit/neoprene, swim buoy and swimming goggles;
6. No swimmer will be able to enter the water level before the established time for the class and without the presence of the respective coach;
7. Parents or guardians must take responsibility for their minor children before and after school. They should remain on the beach until classes are over, whenever possible;
8. All training packs and evaluation sessions are valid for 6 months from the time of purchase;
9. Individual training packs are scheduled subject to availability between swimmer and coach, while group training packs are subject to the availability of group classes;
10. In private sessions with two people, the second person pays only 50% of the session fee;
11. The evaluation session is mandatory for all swimmer who want to join group classes. The payment for this evaluation is made separately and is not deducted from the registration fee or the first monthly fee;
12. The swimmer is responsible for his equipment and personal belongings. At any time SwimTogether is responsible for stolen, lost or damaged equipment;
13. All swimmers registered at SwimTogether Swimming School are covered by an Accident Insurance that includes activities carried out in open water swimming and in the pool. The insurance is valid exclusively during the period of lessons or events organized by the school;
14. The minimum age for registration in the SwimTogether Swimming School is 16 years, except for exceptions previously authorized by the management and subject to specific evaluation.
General Rules
1. Whenever the swimmer is absent, regardless of the number of absences, the monthly fee is paid in full. In case of prolonged illness (absence for 30 days or more), and in order to keep the registration valid, the payment will be reduced to 50% of the respective monthly fee, as long as the swimmer manifests the impossibility of attending, up to 5 working days after the absence, through the presentation of a medical certificate or statement, with an indication of the expected date of return;
2. In case of swimmer withdrawal, even if justified and even if there has been no attendance of classes, it is mandatory to pay the monthly fees due from the date of enrollment until the date on which the respective withdrawal is made in writing;
3. Failure to pay 2 overdue monthly fees will result in withdrawal from the class;
4. Any swimmer who withdraws, at the same season, may:
a) pay 50% of the monthly fee, ensuring their place in the class in which they are enrolled ;
b) resume attending classes by paying a reintegration fee of €10, not guaranteeing your place in the class in which they are registered.
Any swimmer who withdraws, in a different season, will be able to resume attending classes by paying the registration fee and having a new evaluation session, after 6 months without attending classes;
5. If the swimmer misses classes, they can be replaced up to a maximum of 2 classes per year, during the monthly fee, with no refunds;
6. All classes last approximately 60 minutes;
7. The swimming location is defined by your coach and may differ from class to class;
8. All classes are confirmed until 8.00pm the day before, via whatsapp;
9. Whenever safety conditions are not met for the class to take place, it may be canceled up until its start time and subsequently rescheduled or compensated. If the student cannot attend the rescheduled class, he/she may make up for it in another class, at the same swimming level and if there is a vacancy available, until the end of that same month;
10. In Individual Training Packs, cancellation is only accepted up to 24 hours before the class start time. In the absence of notice, it will be counted;
11. All classes have an associated whatsapp group;
12. In the absence of prior notice, if no swimmer shows up within 15 minutes after the start of the class,it will be counted;
13. On December 24th and 25th (Christmas), January 1st (New Year) and Easter Sunday there are no classes.
Renewal Conditions
1. It automatically guarantees a place in the class in which it is inserted at the current time, with the exception of cases in which there is no class at the intended time;
2. All swimmers who need to change classes must submit their request for change in writing, this being dependent on the existence of a vacancy in the intended class.
Omissions and doubts resulting from the application of these General Conditions will be resolved by the Management.
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